Racing to the Future: 5 Ways UYRS is Revolutionizing New STEM Education and Diversity in Motorsports

The Urban Youth Racing School (UYRS) in Philadelphia stands out as a unique program that seamlessly integrates STEM education with the thrilling world of motorsports. By leveraging the excitement and practical applications of racing, UYRS provides an innovative and effective approach to engage inner-city youth in STEM learning. This program has been instrumental in breaking barriers in the motorsports industry for over two decades, offering students from various cities along the East Coast, including Brooklyn, Baltimore, Washington D.C., and Atlanta, an unparalleled educational experience.

A Singular Approach to STEM Education

UYRS student showing off her design with instructor Reggie Showers at the CO2 Dragster Racing Championship

UYRS is distinct in its ability to combine STEM principles with hands-on racing experiences. This method not only makes learning more engaging but also demonstrates the real-world applications of STEM concepts. The school’s curriculum includes activities such as designing and building CO2 Dragster race cars, using simulation technology, and understanding the physics of racing, all of which require a solid grasp of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

According to a study by the National Science Foundation, hands-on learning significantly improves students’ understanding and retention of STEM subjects. UYRS exemplifies this by providing students with opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings, fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding of these disciplines.

Real-World Impact and Success Stories

UYRS has produced numerous successful alumni who have made significant strides in their respective fields. For instance:

  • Jason Simmons: Now the Director of Competition and Operations for NASCAR International, Simmons credits UYRS with providing him the foundation and skills needed to excel in his career. Jason went through NASCAR’s Drive for Diversity program, which UYRS serves as a direct pipeline into. His role involves critical decision-making and strategic planning on a global scale.
  • Danny Colon: Currently at NBC, Colon has leveraged the skills and experiences gained at UYRS to build a successful career in media and broadcasting. Like Simmons, Colon also went through the Drive for Diversity program. His journey from the racing school to a major network exemplifies the diverse career paths that UYRS alumni can pursue.
  • Kiah Williams: Founder of Serum, a company focused on innovative health solutions, Williams attributes her entrepreneurial spirit and success to the problem-solving and critical thinking skills honed at UYRS.

In addition to these individual success stories, many alumni have graduated with engineering degrees and pursued careers in STEM fields, breaking the glass ceiling that often limits inner-city youth from entering these industries.

The Importance of Diversity in Motorsports

UYRS Instructor Ed Butler on the track with junior students
UYRS Instructor Ed Butler on the track with junior students

Motorsports has traditionally been a field with limited diversity. They are actively working to change this narrative by providing access and opportunities to underrepresented groups. The school’s efforts are aligned with findings from the American Council on Education, which highlight the importance of diverse perspectives in STEM fields to drive innovation and creativity.

By engaging students from diverse backgrounds, The Racing School is not only fostering a new generation of engineers and technologists but also enriching the motorsports industry with varied viewpoints and ideas. This diversity is crucial for the growth and evolution of the sport, as it brings fresh insights and solutions to complex challenges.

Long-Term Benefits for Students and Communities

UYRS student building their CO2 Dragster.

The long-term benefits of UYRS’s approach extend beyond individual success stories. The UYRS programs contributes to community development by empowering students with skills that are in high demand in today’s job market. This empowerment helps break cycles of poverty and opens up new career pathways for young people from underserved communities.

Studies have shown that STEM education can significantly impact economic mobility and stability. Programs like this, which make STEM accessible and engaging, play a vital role in equipping students with the skills needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. According to a study published by the National Institutes of Health, STEM education is a key factor in enhancing economic opportunities and reducing disparities.

Commitment from Industry Partners

The success of UYRS is also supported by long-standing partnerships with industry leaders. The Gene Haas Foundation has been instrumental in providing resources for CNC Machining, allowing students to gain hands-on experience with advanced manufacturing technologies. Additionally, Chevrolet, this programs longest-standing partner, and Hendrick Motorsports, a long-standing partner as well, have provided crucial support to the program.

Chevrolet also gives UYRS students the opportunity to attend NASCAR races as part of their education process, enriching their learning experience with real-world exposure to the sport. NASCAR has committed to powering the Urban Youth Racing School’s Racing League, a pipeline program into NASCAR’s Drive for Diversity initiative. This partnership not only supports UYRS’s pipeline into NASCAR’s diversity programs but also provides students with unique opportunities to interact with professionals and gain insights into the motorsports industry.

Chevy provides UYRS students with an opportunity to visit Kyle Larson and the Chevy Engineers at the 2024 Pocono Race

Kyle Larson: A Testament to UYRS’s Support and Impact

Although Kyle Larson is not an alumnus of the school, he has been a supporter of the school since being introduced by Chevrolet in 2017. Larson, part of NASCAR’s Drive for Diversity talent pool, received crucial support from UYRS to help him get back into the sport. As a star champion, Larson is now a great asset to their students, offering inspiration and a tangible example of success in their racing journey. This assistance highlights their commitment to nurturing talent and providing the necessary support to help individuals succeed in motorsports. Larson’s success in NASCAR underscores the effectiveness of UYRS’s programs and its broader impact on the racing community.


The Urban Youth Racing School in Philadelphia is more than just a racing program; it is a pioneering educational initiative that combines the excitement of motorsports with the rigor of STEM education. By providing students from diverse backgrounds with hands-on learning experiences and exposure to real-world applications, UYRS is breaking down barriers and paving the way for a more inclusive and innovative future in both STEM fields and the motorsports industry. As it continues to inspire and educate the next generation, this organization remains a shining example of how passion and education can come together to create lasting positive change.


  1. National Science Foundation. Envisioning the Future of STEM Education: The Role of Hands-On Learning. 2023.
  2. American Council on Education. Achieving Diversity: The Intersection of STEM Culture and Campus Climate. 2019.
  3. National Institutes of Health. The Role of STEM Education in Economic Mobility. 2019.
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