Urban Youth Racing School


About Partnering with
Urban Youth Racing School (UYRS)

  1. Promoting diversity and inclusion: By partnering the Urban Youth Racing School, corporations can help promote diversity and inclusion in the racing industry. The program provides opportunities for underrepresented youth, particularly those from urban areas, to learn about and get involved in racing. Sponsoring such a program can help demonstrate a corporation’s commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion.
  2. Building a talent pipeline: Partnering with the Urban Youth Racing School can also help corporations build a talent pipeline for the future. By investing in the education and development of young people interested in racing, corporations can help identify and nurture the next generation of talent in the industry. This can be particularly important for corporations that operate in the racing industry or have a stake in it.
  3. Community engagement: The Urban Youth Racing School can also be a way for corporations to engage with the community and build goodwill. By supporting a program that provides positive opportunities for young people, corporations can help build a positive reputation and show that they are invested in the community.
  4. Corporate social responsibility: The Urban Youth Racing School can also be part of a corporation’s broader corporate social responsibility strategy. By investing in programs that benefit the community and promote social good, corporations can help demonstrate their commitment to being a responsible corporate citizen.


Partnering with the Urban Youth Racing School can be a win-win for corporations and the community. It can help promote diversity and inclusion, build a talent pipeline, engage with the community, and demonstrate corporate social responsibility.


Thanks for your interest in UYRS. There are many reasons to partner with our organization, and we look forward to discussing opportunities with your company further.  New corporate help advance our work in exposing students to STEM and Career opportunities for the future. UYRS is interested in partnering with companies that have solid brand images and reputations. Whether new or established, any prospective partner must have a strong corporate mission and be an industry leader. Key factors for evaluating a potential partner include the partner’s ability to leverage its assets, raise awareness, make a corporate contribution and/or raise funds and engage its employees and leadership, locally and nationally. 

  • UYRS does not endorse products, promote the sale of products or endorse, purchase or sell any product or service.
  • All requires a minimum financial commitment.

More businesses are realizing the social and economic benefits of strategic nonprofit. UYRS has some of the best corporate in the industry.  We look forward to discussing how your company, your customers, your clients and your employees can help bring about great futures for all youth.


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