Register For Handbags 4 Peace 5K Run/Walk To Help Bring Awareness To Violence Against Women


There has been a recent spate of murders and attacks targeting women with in the city of Philadelphia. In response, a group of women have come together to promote a number of initiatives to make the city a safer and better place to live, particularly for women and children.

The first stage of our awareness program was providing FREE self-defense classes to women/young girls in Philadelphia. In the last six months we have taught over 300 women/young girls life saving techniques.

The second stage of our awareness program is creating the Handbags 4 Peace Reward Fund. A reward is one of the most powerful motivators for anyone with pertinent information to come forward and assist an investigation. A reward may help in recovering a criminal of a crime against a woman. Someone with knowledge about the situation may be reluctant to come forward. Reasons for this reluctance are varied, but a reward may provide the incentive they need to overcome their reluctance.


The race will start in front of the Urban Youth Racing School at 907 N. Front Street.

Handbags 4 Peace Reward Fund will be distributed to tips that lead to the arrest and prosecution of crime committed against a woman (murder, rape, serial robber).

Handbags 4 Peace powered by Black Girls Run will host our 1st Annual Women’s Violence Awareness Run/Walk to help generate funds for the reward fund.

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